Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Upcoming Event

Almost . . .

Can you believe your child is almost a first grader?

Because we had so many school cancellations this year, our half-day Kindergarteners require a few extra hours of instructional time in order to meet the statutory time requirement given by the State of Minnesota.  In order to meet this requirement, we have decided to offer ONE full day of Kindergarten for your child on June 4th.  

The Kindergarten students will have the opportunity to experience parts of a “first grade day” during the morning, as we explore stations run by our current first grade classes.  We will join the first graders for recess and lunch, and join the other Kindergarten classes for “quiet time” after lunch is over.  All half-day Kindergarten students may choose a COMPLIMENTARY school lunch or bring a cold lunch that day.  The hot lunch for June 4th is Chef’s Choice - a meal which the chef selects.  Chef Patrick will let us know a couple days ahead of time what the meal will be, and I will update you at that time.

Our afternoon will be run as normally scheduled, with students presenting their “Be the Teacher” projects that day.

Bussing will be provided for all students who normally ride the half-day Kindergarten bus to school.  A form will be coming home for you to indicate your transportation plans so the bus company can be sure to make all needed stops.